SYDNEY, Australia, February 28, 2020 - Deepak Maini announces the worldwide release of his textbook ‘Up and Running with Bluebeam Revu 2019’.
This is a comprehensive textbook consisting of twelve chapters for the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations (AECO) industry covering markups, measurement, and stamp tools of Bluebeam Revu Standard. The process of Quantity Takeoff using specialized tools in Revu Standard is discussed in detail in both Imperial and Metric units and will equip the readers to takeoff accurate quantities using PDF files. This book also covers Bluebeam Studio Projects and Sessions in detail helping users learn how to get multiple stakeholders to review and markup PDF files together in realtime. There are two additional project-based chapters at the end of the book that cover the Quantity Takeoff process from the HVAC and Electrical files.
The following are some salient features of this book:
- Complimentary access to around 160 minutes of videos of all tutorials in the book.
- 550 pages of the heavily illustrated text explaining how to use and customize markup, measurement, and stamp tools.
- Around 400 pages of hands-on tutorials and projects on real-world project examples.
- A detailed explanation of Bluebeam Studio Projects and Sessions.
- Measurement and quantification tutorials and projects in both Imperial and Metric units.
- Project-based chapters on Quantity Takeoff from the HVAC and Electrical files in both Imperial and Metric units.
- What I do tips describing some real-world challenges that Revu users face and the author’s approach in those situations.
- Tips and Notes providing additional information about the topic in discussion.
- End of chapter skill evaluation to review the concepts learned in the chapter.
- Complimentary access to the teaching resources for faculty members.
The following free teaching resources are available for the faculty:
- PowerPoint slides of all chapters in the textbook.
- Teacher’s guide with answers to the end of chapter class test questions.
- Help for designing the course curriculum.