
ASThis textbook covers in detail the tools that are used to create a 3D structural model. Real-world industry examples are specially chosen for the structural steel detailing and BIM industry. The author has specifically covered a number of pain-points that the users face on a day-to-day basis in their work. The following are some of the salient features of this textbook:

  • Complimentary access to more than 250 minutes of videos covering all tutorials in the book.
  • Covers Imperial units based on English US installation and Metric units based on English Australia installation.
  • 666 pages of in-depth coverage of the tools to create 3D structural model from scratch.
  • Around 430 pages of tutorials on real-world Structural and Building models.
  • Detailed discussion of the Basic and Extended Modeling tools such as Portal/Gable Frames, Purlins, Trusses, Cage Ladders, Straight Stairs, Spiral Stairs, Hand-railings, and so on .
  • Detailed coverage of the Connection Vault to insert various types of connections.
  • Detailed coverage of how to create and save custom connections and custom profiles.
  • “What I do” sections describing some real-world challenges that Advance Steel users face and the author’s approach in those situations.
  • Tips and Notes providing additional information about the topic in discussion.
  • End of chapter skill evaluation to review the concepts learnt in the chapter.
  • Complimentary access to the teaching resources for faculty members.
  • Answers to Class Test Questions for the faculty members.

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Outside Australia

If you are not in Australia, please click on one of the following links to go to the appropriate site for purchasing this book:

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Amazon Europe Gateway(Search for Deepak Maini)


You can download the PDF file of the Table of Content of this textbook by clicking on the following link:

Table of Content

Accessing Tutorial Files

The author has provided all the files required to complete the tutorials in this textbook. These files can be downloaded by clicking on the following link:

Tutorial Files


To know more about Advance Steel, visit the Steel Squad Website

If you have an Advance Steel support question, please send an email to steelsquad@autodesk.com

Guidelines for requesting help from the Steelsquad:

When sending a support email to the Steel Squad support, please include the following:

  • Your Contact information: Name, Phone number, and email
  • On the subject line give a short description of your request
  • Briefly describe what you were doing on the model or drawing you were working on
  • In the body of the email please include: Company name and address
  • In the email also include the model, drawings, and if necessary AstorAddin and AstorSettings databases
  • AstorAddIn can be found at the following location: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Advance Steel 2022\COUNTRY\User2\Data\
  • AstorSettings can be found at the following location: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Advance Steel 2022\COUNTRY\Steel\Data\


To access the Videos of this book, please refer to page viii of the book.